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Pancasila Day, Indonesian National Police Chief Hand in Hand to Fight Covid-19

By Cpiet Rabu, 02 Juni 2021 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id. - Jakarta. Indonesian National Police Chief, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, invites all elements of society to unite and work together to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. This is one form of reflecting the commemoration of the Birthday of Pancasila, which falls on June 1, 2021.   Hand in hand against Covid-19, said Sigit, is a form of the nation's next generation to continue the spirit of Indonesia's Founding Fathers in formulating Pancasila as the nation's ideology at that time.   "Instilling Pancasila values amid the Covid-19 pandemic can be done by working together, uniting and hand in hand as the third point of the Pancasila's 'Indonesian Unity' in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic which Indonesia is currently facing in particular and the world in general," explained the former Chief of Crime Investigation Agency in his written statement.   According to him, Pancasila, the nation's personality and way of life, is a strong foundation for the community and the government to unite to face the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.   "The high spirit of unity and integrity from all levels of society together with the Government could create a strong Indonesian when facing the current Corona Virus," he said.   The former Chief of Crime Investigation Unit of National Police said that with this unity, the domino effect resulted from the Covid-19 pandemic, starting from the economy and social life, can be adequately resolved.   The current reflection of Pancasila Day, said Sigit, could also be implemented with awareness of discipline to the community in implementing health protocols.   In addition, the public must also provide support from all government policies to break the Corona Virus chain.   "Discipline of health protocols can be the key for Indonesia to get out of the Covid-19 pandemic immediately. Support from the community to participate and play an active role in implementing Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities in Indonesia, national vaccinations and strengthening 3M and 3T can also be a form of nationalism or a form of love for Pancasila," he said.
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