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Polda Kalsel Managed to Uncover the Hoarding of 1,000 Cartons of Cooking Oil

By Cpiet Rabu, 09 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (18) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Banjar. The South Kalimantan Provincial Police (Polda Kalsel) dismantled the packaged cooking oil storage warehouse by seizing 16,850 pieces or 31,320 liters of cooking oil. This cooking oil was found in Banjar Regency. "The cooking oil from these seven different brands was stored in 1,000 boxes when we searched the warehouse at Jalan Governor Soebarjo, Tatah Layap Village, Banjar Regency, on Friday (4/3)," stated the Director of Special Criminal Investigations (Direskrimsus) of Polda Kalsel, Commissioner Suhasto, Tuesday. (08/03/22). The seven brands consist of 2,380 pieces of Jujur, 80 pieces of Bimoli, 7,820 pieces of Sovia, 1,050 pieces of Filma, 2,370 pieces of Fortune, 410 pieces of Fraiswell, and 2,740 pieces of Sania. According to the owner (Z), that cooking oil was the remaining sales that were purchased one year ago from Surabaya, East Java. "The owner admits that he suffers a loss if he sells it at the price set by the government. But it is suspected that this is only an alibi," said the Intermediate Officer of the South Kalimantan Police. Direskrimsus Polda Kalsel added that initially presume the method of the perpetrators was to intentionally hoard the cooking oil and to resell it at a high price amidst the scarcity and soaring cooking oil prices in the market. From the raids and investigations, Ditreskrimsus Polda Kalsel has secured the 1,000 cartons of cooking oil and Z is still undergoing intensive examination at the Ditreskrimsus Polda Kalsel.
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