- West Java. Ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Election, Team of Firearms and Explosive Overseer of West Java Regional Police actively disseminate and educates the public, particularly to the members of Indonesia Shooting Association, about the use of firearms.
One of the dissemination activities was held in Battalion C Mobile Brigade Shooting Range, Cirebon Regency, where the activity discussed Police Regulation (Perpol) Number 1 of 2022 concerning licensing, supervision and control of non-organic firearms, as well as equipment classified as firearms.
The team highlights the importance of understanding changes in the regulation and asked members of the shooting association to immediately stored their firearms to avoid misunderstandings from the public, especially ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections.
“We want to ensure that the firearms used by the Indonesia Shooting Association is always according to the applicable regulations and not causing any unrest in public,” says the representative of the Firearms and Explosive Overseer on Sunday (10/13/2024).
Moreover, the team also conveys the firm sanction that those who violate the regulation will get. Those who violate the law on the use of firearms can be charged with Emergency Law and can be imprisoned for life.
On the other hand, the Head of Cirebon City Indonesia Shooting Association, Hendra, appreciates the socialization activity from the team that are routinely held every three months. He hopes that the activity could boost member’s awareness and compliance towards the applicable regulation on firearms use.