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Securing Election Process in Jakarta, Thousands of Joint Security Personnel Deployed

By Pramudita Minggu, 01 September 2024 Pengunjung (211) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Central Jakarta Sub-regional Metro Police sent thousands of joint security personnel to secure the Governor and Deputy Governor election candidate registration in Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) office.

“To secure the election in Jakarta, we deploys 1,035 joint personnel,” says the Head of Central Jakarta Sub-regional Metro Police, Senior Superintendent Susatyo Purnomo Condro on Thursday (8/29/2024).

He continued that traffic engineering around Jakarta KPU will be implemented according to the situation at the location.

“If the situation around the location is fully crowded and even escalates, we will implement the traffic engineering,” assures Susatyo.

To the general public, he suggested that they avoid Salemba Raya street and find another alternative path to avoid congestion.

Furthermore, to the security personnel, he implores them to always give their best and serve the public well.

“And to the supporters of the Governor and Deputy Governor election candidates to also maintain the situation around the location. Respect the others' rights in using the road. Through this, we can ensure that the election process would go safely and smoothly,” appealed Susatyo to the election candidate supporters.


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