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Social Ministry Launched Application to Ease PUB-UGB Permit

By Pramudita Senin, 30 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (114) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Social Ministry launched the Application of the Management Information System for Collection of Money or Goods and Free Prize Draws (SIM PUB-UGB) to facilitate permits, both for institutions and the general public.

"With this new application, of course we want to provide easier, faster, and more transparent services in managing permits for PUB and UGB purposes. Then, I also need to convey, those who apply for permits are legal entities or organizers in the form of foundations or other institutions," said Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf on Friday (12/2720/24).

He said that institutions applying for permits must be legal entities and registered with the Ministry of Law, specifically for PUB, they must report periodically every three months.

"After the permit is obtained, of course there are further processes, for PUB for example, it must report periodically every three months," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

He emphasized that if the donation value exceeds IDR 500 million, it must use a public accountant, while if the donation value is less than IDR 500 million, it is sufficient to use an internal audit.

"Well, specifically for free prize draws, the 10 percent of the prizes given for free must be deposited to the Ministry of Social Affairs, it can be in the form of goods or money," explained the Minister of Social Affairs.

He explained that 10 percent of the prizes given are used to help people in need according to Law Number 22 of 1954 concerning Lotteries.

"It is used for the interests of the wider community who are most in need, it can be for the provision of clean water, the provision of uninhabitable houses, it can also be for building roads, or maybe agricultural equipment or equipment needed according to the needs of the people who apply," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

However, he emphasized that later there will be a mechanism that needs to be carried out by the community to submit a request for assistance followed by an assessment, then it can be approved.

According to him, the regulations regarding PUB and UGB need to be well understood by the public, because they will also be beneficial for other people in need.


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