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Tag 'Ministry of Health'


Health Ministry Continue to Suppress NCDs Through Smoking Cessation Services

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) is continuing the effort in reducing the number of deaths due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through smoking cessation services.


Health Minister Launches INACRC, Aims to be the Southeast Asia Research Center

The Ministry of Health launched the Indonesia Clinical Research Center (INACRC) as an effort to transform and reform the national research system so that Indonesia can become one of the centers of clinical research in the Southeast Asia region.


Health Minister Launched SATUSEHAT Logistic to Help Monitor Vaccine Availability

The Ministry of Health launches SATUSEHAT Logistic, which is part of the SATUSEHAT app, which functions to monitor vaccine availability at each health service facility more easily and efficiently.


Health Ministry Urges Proper Digital Space Literacy for Good Mental Condition

The Ministry of Health emphasized the importance of the public to have proper literacy on social media and to be able to filter the information in the digital space with the aim of maintaining good mental health.


Emergency Medical Access 119 Now Available via SATUSEHAT Mobile: Health Ministry

The Ministry of Health's SATUSEHAT Mobile app streamlines access to emergency services via the 119 hotline, ensuring quicker medical assistance. Read more.


Indonesia Launches National Cancer Control Plan

Indonesia unveiled its National Cancer Prevention and Control Plan 2024-2034, prioritizing early detection and treatment. The plan targets 70% early detection coverage and enhanced diagnostic facilities. Learn more today.


Ministry of Health Testing the AI Models for Disease Diagnoses

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) is conducting artificial intelligence (AI) modeling tests to diagnose diseases more precisely in order to realize precision medicine.

Showing 13 to 19 of 19 results

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