– Rainfall that hit Bengkulu City for the past two days, from 29th to 30th June, 2022, caused several areas to be flooded.
Due to this, the Bengkulu Police Mobile Brigade Unit mobilized dozens of personnel to evacuate the affected flood victims.
The Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of the Bengkulu Police, Commissioner Sudarno, S.Sos., M.H., revealed that the deployment of dozens of Mobile Brigade Unit to evacuate flood victims was carried out yesterday (30/06/22) at around 00.00 WIB.
"We use four rubber boats and buoys to evacuate flood victims at several locations," said Commissioner Sudarno, S.Sos., M.H., Friday, (01/07/22)
He explained that the peopel from several flood locations were successfully evacuated by his party, such as in the Semarang village and the Sawah Lebar village of Bengkulu City.
"The victims we evacuated were the elderly and children," said the Bengkulu Police Intermediate Officer.
Commissioner Sudarno, S.Sos., M.H., added that his party will continue to monitor several flood locations to facilitate the evacuation process.