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The West Sumatra Police Chief Suggest Another Six Police Sector in Mentawai Island

By Cpiet Rabu, 07 September 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.co.id - With the size of the island that is quite large, the West Sumatra Regional Police proposed adding several Police Sector for the Mentawai Islands Regency to the National Police Headquarters. West Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General Teddy Minahasa Putra, said that currently the Mentawai Islands only have four police stations. In fact, one existing Police Sector is responsible for maintaining security in three sub-districts. "Well at least there must be 10 Police sector, so that it could ease their duty and responsibility in overseing and monitoring the situation in the region. Currently, there are only four police sector, while the island is way too large for four of them," explained the West Sumatra Police Chief, Tuesday (6/9/2022). The West Sumatra Police Chief said the number of Police Sector was not balanced with the total population of the Mentawai Islands. As a matter of fact, there should be more police in the district. "So we propose six more Police Sector (to the Police Headquarters)," he said. Regarding the issue of the number of Polsek, said the Head of the West Sumatra Police, the Mentawai Islands Police are also constrained by problems with land and sea transportation. His party will also proposed the addition of equipment tools for Mentawai Police to the National Police Headquarters. "Earlier I had a dialogue with the Mentawai Police Chief and his staff, one of the problems was the means of transportation. To overcome this, we will submit our proposal to the National Police Headquarters," he explained. "Because the Regional Police is also lacking in transportation, our Water Police Directorate also lacks transportation equipment," he continued. Although there are many shortcomings, the West Sumatra Police Chief appreciates the low number of public order disturbances in the Mentawai Islands. In a year, only 21 cases were recorded and even then, it was not a prominent case. “That;s a very low. In drugs abuse case, there are only 10 cases, and in traffic accident, there are only three cases, and the disciplinary violations by the members in a year is only six cases. This means that Mentawai Police, led by AKBP Mu'at are quite successful," said the West Sumatra Police Chief.
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