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Establishing Joint Commitment in Eradicating Drugs, Aceh Police Chief Welcomed the Visit of the Head of the High Court

By Cpiet Rabu, 07 September 2022 Pengunjung (6) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.co.id - Aceh Police Chief, Inspector General Ahmad Haydar welcomed the visit from the Head of the High Court (KPT), Suharjono, accompanied by the Deputy Chair, High Judge, Registrar, and Secretary, Tuesday (6/9). In this semi-formal meeting, Suharjono said that he had only served for a few days as Head of the High Court in Aceh. Previously he served in North Maluku. In their friendly meeting, they discussed about the rise of the drug cases which the evidence reached tons of kilogram. According to him, a joint commitment is needed among law enforcers to eradicate drugs in Aceh. Eradication and law enforcement against drugs must be carried out seriously from upstream to downstream, with strict law enforcement, both with Qanun and with state law. "Regarding drug cases, we at the Banda Aceh High Court give the maximum sentence in accordance with the sense of justice and for the benefit of the public," said the Head of the Banda Aceh High Court. Meanwhile, the Ad Hoc High Court Judge for the Crime of Corruption who is also the Public Relations Coordinator of the Banda Aceh High Court, Taqwaddin, stated his concern by saying that in 2021, the number of corruption cases at the appeal level only amounted to 24 cases. Meanwhile, in 2022, it was only in August 2022 that 33 cases of corruption were appealed against. "Even though there are still a few months left in 2022," he concluded.
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