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Transportation Minister Trial the ART in IKN

By Cpiet Kamis, 15 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (40) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - IKN. The Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi trials the Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) in the Nusantara Capital City on Sunday (8/11/2024). The trial is to prepare the train operation ahead of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony on 17th August, 2024 in IKN.

"Me and a team from the Chinese CRRC trial the ART today and operate it with marks. We are continuing our trial so that we can assure it will operate smoothly on August 17th," said Minister Budi.

At first, ART will be used as a feeder for the Independece Ceremony attendants. The train will move at the speed of 40km/hour in West Kebangsaan Sumbu Street and East Kebangsaan Sumbu Street.

"We have tested it and from what I've seen everything's good, we do not need to add other equipment. We just need to assure there's electricity and operate it," said Minister Budi.

ART operates with a battery that is distributed with street marks and magnet. This way, the government hopes that it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, as it is in line with the concepts and principles of IKN as a smart, green and sustainable city area.


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