- Jakarta. The Vice Minister of Home Affairs, Bima Arya, instructed the regional government to anticipate the price increase of several food commodities as the celebrations of 2024 Christmas and 2025 New Year looms.
According to the data from the Statistic Center Agency (BPS), several food commodities prices are increasing, which include shallots, garlic, red chilies, chicken eggs, and cooking oil.
“These price increases occurred in the regency/city were stated by the Acting Chair of BPS. We have seen the report that in several provinces, there are high figures for the IPH (Price Development Index)," said the Vice Minister of Home Affairs.
Bima Arya says that ahead of the religious holidays such as Christmas, usually the increased demand for goods/services from the public occurs which impacts on price increases.
This situation, according to Bima, has to be anticipated to maintain the stock availability. So please, continue your operation in the market, and if able hold a cheap food movement.
In addition, Bima Arya also conducts spot checks on markets and distributors, cooperates with commodity producing areas, and planting movements. Including realizing Unexpected Expenditures (BTT), and providing transportation support from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD).