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Vice Minister Sudaryono Invites Millennials to Contribute in National Food Security

By Pramudita Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (152) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Agriculture Vice Minister Sudaryono invites millennials to be proactive in food security by utilizing digital technology, to support innovation and productivity of the agricultural sector in Indonesia.

“We are living in an era where information and communication technology can become an effective tool in improving agricultural productivity. I invite the millennials to get involved in various programs and initiatives that support national food security,” says Sudaryono on Tuesday (10/29/2024).

According to Sudaryono, millennials have a great potential in bringing changes through the use of digital technology. He also emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government, industrial players, and the youths.

Sudaryono assessed that the agricultural sector does not only need a workforce, but also innovation in resource management, marketing, and product distribution.

"We need to create a digital platform that can facilitate interaction between farmers and consumers, as well as support small and medium enterprises in the agricultural sector," said the Deputy Minister of Agriculture.

With a collaborative spirit and the use of technology, Sudaryono is optimistic that millennials can become pillars in achieving sustainable food security and ready to face future food challenges.


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