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Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Vital in Effort of Reducing Stunting Rate: Minister Dodi Notes

By Pramudita Jumat, 29 November 2024 Pengunjung (156) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Public Works (PU) Dody Hanggodo revealed that proper and evenly distributed water and sanitation infrastructure plays an important role in reducing stunting in Indonesia.

"The availability of proper and evenly distributed water and sanitation infrastructure is very important, one of which is to encourage a decrease in stunting. Because handling stunting is not only limited to fulfilling food, the availability of water and infrastructure is also very important," said the Minister of PU on Thursday (11/28/2024).

The Minister of PU also conveyed that his party is ready in supporting the handling of water issues through the development of water infrastructure to increase water and food security both at the national and global levels.

"We are also working to achieve the target of 100 percent access to clean drinking water and 100 percent access to clean sanitation by 2030, one of which is through the implementation of Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Acceleration of Drinking Water Provision and Domestic Wastewater Management Services," explained the Minister Dody.

For information, Researcher and Head of the Physical Component of the Action Against Stunting Hub (AASH) Study, Min Kyaw Htet said that increasing access to clean water and clean sanitation is one step to prevent stunting.

The presence of pathogenic bacteria in drinking water and water used daily can trigger inflammation in the intestines, causing shifts in the structure and function of the intestines.

This condition is known as Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (EED). EED causes the absorption of nutrients to be suboptimal, which if it continues, will cause children to experience growth problems.


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