- Jakarta. Kompas Research Center (Litbang Kompas) has released the results of a survey regarding the satisfaction level of the public with the performance of the Indonesian National Police (INP), noting that 87.8 percent of the respondents expressed satisfaction with the services of the police to the public.
"On average, not less than 87.8 percent of the public express satisfaction with the performance demonstrated by the INP .Its performance in serving the public receives the highest appreciation," the Litbang Kompas said in its survey results released by theINP Public Relations Division on Tuesday (26/12/2023).
This public survey was conducted face-to-face from 22 October to 15 November this year. The survey was carried out with 100 respondents for each regional police area, totaling 3,400 respondents from the general public, indicating a highly positive outcome for the INP performance.
The survey found that more than 89 percent of the respondents were satisfied with the efforts of the police in maintaining public order and security, reported.
Meanwhile, the satisfaction rate for public complaint services stood at 68.7 percent. The survey also found that supervision carried out to prevent and follow up on violations by police officers has been consistently implemented. One example can be seen in the services for public complaints.
However, the service for reporting violations by members still needs improvement, the survey found Complaint response and the ease of accessing complaint services receive the highest scrutiny, each from about two-fifths of the public respondents. Additionally, about one-third of the public expected improvements in the transparency of the complaint process.