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Aceh Authority Aimed to Catch Those Who Benefitted From The Scholarship Corruption Case

By Cpiet Senin, 07 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Aceh. Ditresnarkoba Sumsel Managed to Solve 47 Drug Abus Cases in The First Week of March It is reported that Aceh Regional Police (Polda Aceh) investigators have started targeting individuals who have benefited from the embezzlement of scholarships from the Aceh Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBA) for the 2017 fiscal year. Prior to this, the authorities were criticized that they just handled the “small fried” actor in this case that caused the state’s revenue. The Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of Polda Aceh, Commissioner Winardy, S.H., S.I.K., M.Sc., in a written broadcast on Sunday (6/3/22), said that his party is now starting to focus on each flow of the fund. The effort in revealing the corruptor behind the scholarship corruption case is expected to satisfy the public anxiety. Kabid Humas Polda Aceh explained that one of the successful tracings was related to a person with the initials DS, who gave information on the opportunity to get a scholarship to his brother-in-law, NF. Through an ustadz with the initials S, DS submitted a form along with the scholarship application requirements that must be filled out. It was said that NF also shared the news with his fellow students. From there, 23 undergraduate students took part in filling out the scholarship application form. "S gave a form of willingness to receive scholarships to the 23 students through NF in November 2017," stated Kabid Humas Aceh.
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