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Anti-Football Mafia Task Force to Investigate League 2 Referee Misconduct

By Cpiet Kamis, 05 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Anti-Football Mafia Task Force is prepared to launch an inquiry into the alleged misconduct by League 2 referees during the Semen Padang vs Sriwijaya FC match held on Sunday (1/10/23), its chairperson announced  during a press conference held at Menara Mandiri in Jakarta on Wednesday (4/10/23). "We have thoroughly examined and considered the report about Semen Padang. Mr. Andre Rosiade, who serves as the advisor to the Semen Padang club, will be concluding the report in advance of our meeting. We will  also establish a verification team to thoroughly evaluate the numerous submissions. Subsequently, we will determine which cases necessitate further action through legal channels or administrative measures, and which ones we can recommend," said Chairperson Maruarar Sirait. He highlighted the task force's commitment to eradicating football-related malpractice in Indonesia, affirming a commitment to investigate all instances of football-related fraud within the country impartially. "We will not differentiate based on the scale of the soccer-related malpractice, whether it be large, moderate, or small. We will take appropriate action. This is a pivotal juncture for the President of Indonesia to extend support to the sport, and those who seek to undermine this momentum will face due consequences," Maruarar said. The Semen Padang League 2 Club has reported to the Anti-Football Mafia Task Force regarding suspicions of impropriety by League 2 Referees during the match between Semen Padang and Sriwijaya FC. Alongside the reported misconduct by the League 2 referee, Semen Padang has brought to attention instances of regulatory non-compliance by Sriwijaya FC, specifically their failure to field U-21 players during the first half of the match. (ar/inp/pr/nm)
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