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Bengkulu Regional Police Held FGD to Anticipate the Rising Motorcycle Gang Activities

By Pramudita Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (117) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Bengkulu. Bengkulu Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Anwar  officially opened the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme "Efforts to Overcome the Rise of Motorcycle Gangs and Juvenile Delinquency in School Environments".

This activity was held in the ballroom of the Mercure Hotel, Bengkulu, as an initiative of the Bengkulu Regional Police Community Development Directorate to strengthen collaboration between various stakeholders in creating better security in the province.

In his remarks, Anwar emphasized the need for collective commitment to address the increasing violence involving motorcycle gangs among teenagers.

On his occasion, he reminded that the social impact of this phenomenon includes an increase in criminal acts and disturbances of order, which can cause fear in society. Therefore, he invited all elements, from families to schools and community leaders, to work together to face this challenge.

"Juvenile delinquency is not only the responsibility of the police, but also the responsibility of all of us," he said on Tuesday (10/29/2024).

He emphasized the importance of instilling values ​​of good manners and good role models in the family and educational environment.

At the end of the opportunity he emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government, police, schools, and the community to create a safe environment for the younger generation. With the spirit of unity, he is optimistic that the results of this discussion can have a positive impact on society and help prevent negative actions in the future.


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