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Celebrating National Awareness Day, Chief Hadi Gunawan Congratulates Extraordinary Members

By Admin INP Selasa, 18 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (82) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - West Nusa Tenggara. The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police held a National Awareness Day Ceremony which was held once a month on every 17th of the month. The ceremony at Bhara Daksa Field was directly led by the Head of NTB Regional Police, Inspector General Hadi Gunawan.

In his speech, Hadi says that the ceremony of National Awareness Day has the important role of nurturing nationalism, discipline, and responsibility for every police member in carrying out their noble duties.

"Hopefully we as members of the Indonesian National Police (INP) can carry out our duties as well as possible so as not to disappoint the people who have fought for Indonesia's independence," said Hadi Gunawan.

The Two-Star General also gave awards to a number of personnel who have shown extraordinary performance in various fields, both in police duties and in sports.

"Congratulations to the award-winning personnel who have demonstrated extraordinary loyalty, performance, and dedication in maintaining public security and order. Hopefully this award can be a motivation and inspiration for all of us," congratulate Hadi.

This ceremony is real evidence of the NTB Regional Police's commitment to building professionalism and increasing national awareness among police personnel. It is hoped that with this commemoration, every member of the police will be more enthusiastic in carrying out their duties and providing the best service to the community.


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