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Tag 'West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police'


NTB Regional Police Chief Inspects 2024 MotoGP Mandalika Security Preparation

Head of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police, Inspector General Umar Faroq assures steady security preparation for MotoGP Mandalika 2024. During the field review of Pertamina Mandalika Circuit Mandalika on Thursday (9/26/2024), the NTB Regional Police Chief and ranks visited several vital posts around the circuit area.


NTB Police Launch ‘Mandalika Gatari 2024’ Operation for MotoGP Security

West Nusa Tenggara Police launched ‘Mandalika Gatari 2024’ involving 2,736 personnel to secure the MotoGP. Read more!

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