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Combatting Clean Water Crisis, South Sulawesi Regional Police Chief Builds Drilled Wells

By Pramudita Minggu, 01 September 2024 Pengunjung (248) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Makassar. The Head of South Sulawesi Regional Police, Inspector General Andi Rian Ryacudu Djajadi inaugurates drilled well in Tinumbu. This initiative is taken to combat the clean water crisis that hits Makassar, particularly in coastal areas.

The provision of drilled wells is part of social activity initiated by the Alumni Association of SMANSA 87 (IKA SMANSA 87), where the organization is currently headed by Andi.

In the inauguration ceremony, Andi also provides food aids to the people who came to see the inauguration of the well.

“We hope that this facility would be optimized fully by the surrounding community. According to the report from the district head, this well can help around 500 families,” says Andi.

Furthermore, he noted that he had done similar activities in other regions, such as in Maros, Gowa, Sidrap, Barru, Pangkep and several other regencies in South Sulawesi.

“We understand that the geographical condition of these several regions makes it difficult for the people to acquire clean waters. Therefore, the goal of this program is to help them to get clean waters,” explains Andi.

According to him, the program of building drilled wells will continue with the goal of at least three drilled wells being built in each regency or city outside Makassar.


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