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Commemorating the 76th Anniversary of Bhayangkara, Polda Maluku Held Interfaith Prayer

By Cpiet Sabtu, 02 Juli 2022 Pengunjung (57) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The Maluku Regional Police (Polda Maluku) held an interfaith prayer in commemoration of the 76th Bhayangkara Day. The activity, which was attended by religious figures, was held at the official residence of the Maluku Police Chief (Kapolda Maluku), Friday (1/7/2022). The joint prayer was held simultaneously in Indonesia. The activity was broadcast live from the National Police Headquarters via video conference. Before the virtual prayer began, Kapolda Maluku, Inspector General Drs. Lotharia Latif, S.H., M.Hum., expressed his gratitude to the representatives of religious leaders who were willing to attend. "As the Maluku Regional Police Chief, I am very grateful for your willingness to spare your time to become the representatives of religious leaders in this interfaith prayer ceremony," said Kapolda Maluku. Apart from religious figures, the joint prayer was also attended by personnel from the Indonesian Army (TNI) in Maluku. The Kapolda hopes that the synergy and solidity between the TNI and Police will continue to be improved in jointly maintain the security situation in Maluku. "I also want to say thank you to my fellow TNI personnel who came attending this ceremony. On this occasion I also want to express my appreciation for the good cooperation between Polda Maluku and TNI, and all related elements, in maintaining security and peace in the land of Maluku," he said. On that occasion, Kapolda Maluku also apologized if the Maluku Regional Police had not been able to provide maximum service and satisfy the community enough. "We, Polda Maluku, realize that currently we are still not optimal in providing services to the community. We are also aware that there are still shortcomings here and there in our services. Therefore, we would like to apologize and we are also always optimistic that in the future we can provide better services. For the best interest of the community and nation," he said. The interfaith prayer was also attended by the Deputy Chief of the Maluku Police, Brigadier General Drs. Jan Leonard de Fretes M.M., and key officials of Polda Maluku. Also there were representatives from Kodam XVI/Pattimura and Lantamal IX/Ambon personnel.
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