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Coordinating Minister Muhadjir Asks Regional Govt to Recognize the Disaster Typology

By Cpiet Kamis, 25 April 2024 Pengunjung (32) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy asked the public and regional government to acknowledge the typology of disasters as part of mitigation efforts.

“What we should do is to instill awareness of disaster to the public. It is a must, and the regional government has to fully recognize the disaster typology of their region,” said Muhadjir on Thursday (4/25/2024).

According to him, disaster is a repeated cycle and can be identified. Thus, he considers that by getting to know the disaster, they can manage the disaster mitigation much better. This includes inventing technologies and policies that are able to help the mitigation process.

He also asked every regional government in Indonesia can share their experiences regarding the disaster in their region, on how to mitigate it, and exchange opinions regarding the mitigation effort of disaster-prone countries.

“If it is possible, we should have a workshop to improve the role of the regional government, because in the end, the one who is responsible for mitigating the disaster is the regional government,” concludes Muhadjir.


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