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Public Can Relay Aspirations to Election Candidate Before the Determination Date

By Pramudita Kamis, 19 September 2024 Pengunjung (293) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Member of General Election Commission (KPU) Idham Kholik says the public can give their aspiration to the election candidate before the determination date.

He considered that if the public's view of the candidate pair is not in accordance with the long-term regional development plan, then it can be conveyed immediately. However, if there is none, then it can proceed to the next stage.

Furthermore, he explained, the announcement of the candidate pairs had been announced on the KPU website on September 14, 2024. On the site, the public can see the results of the administrative research, as well as whether or not the candidate pairs meet the requirements.

"It has been announced, and now the public can access it on social media or on the KPU website. Or on the KPU noticeboard in the regions," explained Member Idham.

By providing an opportunity for the public to convey their responses, it is hoped that the public will know the vision, mission and programs of the candidate pairs. He explained, after the candidate pairs were submitted on September 22nd, a drawing for the KPU would be held on September 23rd.

"After the public knows the vision and mission of the candidate pairs and has passed that date. Then on September 25th we will focus on the campaign," said Member Idham.


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