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Tag 'Ade Safri Simanjuntak'


Police Assures Firli Bahuri Corruption Case is Soon to be Completed

Metro Jaya Regional Police ensures that the Firli Bahuri corruption and gratification case is about to be completed.


Metro Jaya Regional Police Assures FB Case Investigation Remains Continue

Metro Jaya Regional Police assure that the corruption allegation case on Firli Bahuri (FB) remains continued. However, the suspect's legal team has written to the Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP) to request the case be stopped.


Police Assures Investigation on Firli Bahuri Gratification Case Remains Ongoing

Metro Jaya Regional Police assures that as of now the case investigation of former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Chief, Firli Bahuri, gratification remains ongoing.

Criminal National

Four Cases of Subsidized Fuel Oil and LPG Abuse Uncovered by Police

The investigators of Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of Metro Jaya Regional Police have revealed four cases of subsidized fuel oil and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) misuse.


Police Arrest an Online Gambling Admin from West Sumatra

Metro Jaya Regional Police arrest FA (23), a man from West Sumatra, for online gambling criminal actions. In this case FA manages the online gambling sites along with other Indonesians in Cambodia.


Metro Jaya Regional Police Arrest Suspect Who Hacks Setiabudi Sector Police Google Acount

Metro Jaya Regional Police arrest a man with the initials of KTD (22) for the illegal crime of accessing a Google business account belonging to the Setiabudi Sector Police. TKD was arrested on Lebung Gajah street, Tulung Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra.


Online Gambling Sites Distributor Arrested by Police

The online gambling sites distributor from South Jakarta with the initials of V (30) was arrested by the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of Metro Jaya Regional Police.

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