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Creative and Solutive Police Breakthrough in Supporting National Food Security

By Pramudita Senin, 23 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (92) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Bandar Lampung. In supporting the food security program while also opening job opportunities, just as was said by the Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto, Brigadier Andriansyah of Gadingrejo Sector Police did an amazing breakthrough with his innovation. 

Collaborating with the locals, Andriansyah managed utilizing cassava harvest into high-quality animal feed.

Andriansyah has been active in the entire process of his breakthrough from cultivation to processing of cassava harvest. It was said that after the cassava is harvested, the waste of the cassava is further processed into a nutrient-rich animal feed formula. This product can be used for various types of livestock, such as rabbits, cows, and other animals. 

"This innovation aims to ensure that residents' agricultural products do not stop at harvest, but can be utilized optimally to create added value. With animal feed from cassava dregs, the community has the opportunity to increase income while opening up new jobs," said Andriansyah.

Gadingrejo Sector Police Chief, First Police Inspector Herman appreciates the breakthrough of Andriansyah and says that the innovation was in line with the police goal in supporting public prosperity through a solutive and creative approach.

“We are proud of Andriansyh and this the best example on how the police force was not only protecting the people, but also their economy,” says Herman.

This innovation hopefully can be an inspiration for other regions to develop their local potential, thus further supporting national food security and community welfare


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