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Criminal Investigation Agency Discovers Ten Fugitives of Human Trafficking to Umrah Scam Cases

By Cpiet Jumat, 15 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. During the last two months, the Directorate of General Offences of Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) of Indonesian National Police arrested ten fugitives involved in several cases such as human trafficking to umrah scam. "Our team arrested ten fugitives from September to October 2021", the Director of General Offences Directorate of Bareskrim of Indonesian National Police, Police Brigadier General Andi Rian R Djajadi, said on Thursday (14/10/21). The Director of General Offences Directorate of Bareskrim of Indonesian National Police said that three fugitives were arrested on a human trafficking case, named Mahzum Nasser, Hj Tati, and Hj Yunan, at different times and places. All three of them are on the wanted list based on Police Report No. LP/A/0172/III/BRK dated March 16, 2021. He stated that Mahzum Nasser was arrested at Perum Nusa Indah Block U of Bojong Kulur, Gunung Putri, Bogor, on September 16, 2021. Hj Tati was arrested at her house at the Kelapa Nias II Block PB3, Kelapa Gading, East Jakarta, on September 29, 2021. Meanwhile, Hj Yunan was arrested in Kampung Cikadang, of Karang village, Cianjur, West Java, on October 8, 2021. Another arrested fugitive, M Akbaruddin, is the suspect of a pilgrimage scam with 2,705 victims. "The modus is that the victims were promised to go to umrah with an additional fee of Rp5 million", Police Brigadier General Andi Rian R Djajadi said. M Akbaruddin, Police Brigadier General Andi said, was arrested on October 4, 2021, on the fourth floor of the office of General Offences Directorate of Bareskrim of Indonesian National Police. Besides, there are also other five suspects on the fraud, embezzlement, and letter forgery cases arrested at different times and places. They are Dadang Firdaus, PHLevhinsone, Boy Ridhanto, Surono, and Andianto Setiadi. The arrest of those five people is based on Police Report No. LP/913/IX/2016/BRK dated September 6, 2016. Dadang and Boy were arrested in Kompleks Splatur Permata Sari Block A, Kenali Asam Bawah, Jambi city, on September 28, 2021. Then, Levhinsone and Surononwere arrested in Kompleks Puri Mayang Cluster Casablanca Block K of Jambi city on September 29, 2021. "Andianto was arrested at the Kompleks BTN Block 3, Jambi city, on September 29, 2021", he said. The tenth fugitive named Burhanuddin was arrested in front of Graha CIMB Niaga at Jenderal Sudirman street, Senayan, South Jakarta, on October 5, 2021. "He involved in false statement case on authentic deed and fraud", Police Brigadier General Andi Rian R Djajadi said.
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