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Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police Successfully Dismantled 40 Illegal Online Loan Applications

By Cpiet Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (5) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police is following up on the instructions of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to take action against online lending companies (pinjol) or fintech peer to peer lending. In October 2021, Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police has taken action against 40 illegal lending companies that are troubling. "In one month, ten illegal lending companies have been secured; previously, there were 30. A total of 40 illegal applications have been secured," explained the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police, Pol. Grand Commissioner Auliansyah Lubis, Thursday (10/14/21). Police Grand Commissioner. Auliansyah Lubis did not explain in detail the list of 40 illegal online loans that had been disclosed. In addition to online loan companies, companies engaged in debt collection (collectors) are among the 40 companies secured by the police. Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police has just added to the list of borrowing companies that have been secured, namely a company that oversees 13 subsidiaries of the pinjol application, which was raided this afternoon. The company's office is at Ruko Crown Blok C1-C7, Green Lake City, Tangerang. On the same occasion, the Head of Public Relations of the Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police, Pol. Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus said the police had arrested 32 people. They work as analysts, telemarketers, and collectors. The Head of Public Relations of Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police detailed that there are two ways to collect debts carried out by the company. The first is direct debt collection by going to the victim and making threats of violence. The second way of billing is indirect, via telephone and social media. "If we go through social media, we even find here that billing with threats on social media even shows pornographic images. So they are threatened and then shown pornographic images to the borrowers so that they stress," said Indonesian Military Academy graduate in 1991. Police Commissioner. Yusri Yunus explained that a total of 13 peer to peer lending or fintech companies used the services of one company. Ten of them are illegal loan companies. This raid was carried out based on community reports and the results of cyber patrols on social media. According to the Intermediate Officer of the Polda Metro Jaya, this result is in coordination with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Ministry of Communication and Information.
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