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Demonstration Security Aligned with SOP: INP Profession & Security Division

By Admin 1 Kamis, 29 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (50) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Inspector General Abdul Karim, the Indonesian National Police (INP) Head of Profession and Security Division, confirmed that the security measures for recent protests against the revised Regional Election Law (UU Pilkada) were conducted in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP).

He explained on Wednesday (28/8/2024) that the police had been involved from the beginning of the demonstrations to assist and oversee the security efforts.

"From the start of the protests, we instructed Propam officers to provide oversight and assistance to regional police departments in managing the demonstrations," Chief Abdul said, as reported by antaranews.com.

He noted that evaluations showed that security operations were conducted according to SOPs and the INP Chief Regulation (Perkap). These regulations include guidelines on the use of force (Perkap No. 1/2009) and human rights principles (Perkap No. 8/2009).

However, National Police Commission (Kompolnas) member Poengky Indarti raised concerns about the use of tear gas during the protests. She highlighted public reactions, particularly regarding excessive use of force and tear gas, which has caused discomfort and potential health risks to demonstrators.



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