- Tangerang. The Indonesian National Police Food Task Force together with representatives from the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) conducted a sudden inspection on PT Jujur Sentosa, one of the producers of Minyakita in Tangerang.
Head of INP Food Task Force Brigadier General Helfi Assegaf said that their inspection on PT Jujur Sentosa Tangerang went smoothly and no violations were found. The distribution of Minyakita from PT Jujur was going accordingly.
"For production, the average capacity per day is 150 tons or approximately 4,500 tons per month," said Helfi to reporters, Wednesday (12/3/25).
On their review of PT Jujur Sentosa's documents, Helfi also said no violations were found.His party also ensured that the company’s measuring tools used to package Minyakita are proper