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Govt. Explains the Reason Behind Secret Transfer of Five Bali Nine Members to Australia

By Pramudita Senin, 23 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (112) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Coordinating Ministry for Law, Human Rights, Immigration, and Corrections explained that the transfer of five Bali Nine members to Australia was carried out secretly at the request of the Australian Government.

"That was the request of the Australian Government that they wanted to ensure that everything runs smoothly and we also want to ensure that negotiations are also continuously updated and safe," said the Special Staff for International Relations of the Coordinating Ministry for Law and Human Rights Imipas, Ahmad Usmarwi Kaffah.

According to Kaffah, Australia wants the transfer of the five Bali Nine prisoners to be kept quiet in their country. However, he ensured that the sovereignty of both countries is the priority in the transfer of international prisoners.

"They want the law process to be in Australia, that's all, and as a good friend of Australia, as long as they also follow our request [and] respect the sovereignty of our country and the rules of law that have been decided by the court, why not?" explained Kaffah.

On the other hand, the Indonesian government also wants the transfer process to run on time. This is considering that the prisoners who are being transferred are being held in different areas, namely Surabaya (East Java), Bangli (Bali), and Kerobokan (Badung, Bali).

"Prisoners from Surabaya and Bangli must arrive on time in Kerobokan, Badung, Bali, so that they can be united with the other two prisoners to facilitate mobilization," added Kaffah.

It is known that the Indonesian government has transferred five members of the Bali Nine, Martin Eric Stephens, Michael William Czugaj, Scott Anthony Rush, Matthew James Norman, and Si Yi Chen to their home country, Australia on Sunday (12/15).

The Bali Nine is the nickname for nine Australian prisoners who were arrested in Bali for being involved in a drug syndicate case in 2005. They were proven to have smuggled 8.2 kilograms of heroin.


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