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Govt. to Optimize the Use of Unoccupied Flats in Jakarta, Bandung, and Central Java

By Pramudita Minggu, 03 November 2024 Pengunjung (192) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP), Maruarar Sirait, said that there are still many flats that have not been occupied by the people, even though places to live are more scarce than ever. In light of this situation, he and his party will move fast to push the public into occupying flats.

According to him, his party has determined four flats for people to live in. The flats, according to him, are inhabited by a small number of residents, which makes them to be the main focus of his party.

"Yesterday I reviewed the Pasar Rumput Flats in Jakarta," he said on Thursday (10/31/24).

Sirait also  said that in the near future he would also visit the Kemayoran Athlete's Village, the flats in Bandung and Batang to directly see and review the condition of the flats.

"I heard that in Batang, Central Java, there are two flats that were occupied by a small number of occupants. There are 10 towers there and only two of them are occupied. In Bandung Rancaekek there are also two towers of flats that are left unoccupied," he explained.

Sirait wants residential assets, such as flats, built by the government to be utilized optimally for public housing. In addition, the management of the housing must also be optimized as the rental price of the flat is affordable for the community.


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