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BSSN Continue to Improve Cyber Security Awareness for People and State Officials

By Pramudita Sabtu, 02 November 2024 Pengunjung (237) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN) continues to strive to increase cyber security awareness for state administrators and the public, to anticipate the occurrence of digital crimes.

Deputy for Cyber ​​Security and Economic Cryptography of BSSN, Slamet Aji Pamungkas, said that the cybersecurity awareness of the Indonesians, especially state administrators, still needs to be improved to prevent cybercrime.

"We still need to improve our people’s awareness on cyber security, both the state officials and the general public,” says Slamet on Friday (11/1/2024).

He said, to maintain a safe digital security, more efforts need to be made by each individual because security is inversely proportional to comfort.

"For example, we need to change our email password regularly or our ATM pin at least once every three months. We know that this is not easy as we often forget our password or pin," said Slamet.

Based on statistical data from BSSN, there are 370.02 million cyber attacks to Indonesia in 2022. Compared to the previous year, this number increased by 38.72 percent, where the government administration sector was the main target of cyber attacks in Indonesia.


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