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Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police Dispatched 1,141 Personnel to Guard the Palestinian Solidarity Action

By Cpiet Rabu, 19 Mei 2021 Pengunjung (25) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police deployed thousands of personnel in order to secure the solidarity action for Palestine which was held by a mass of workers today, Tuesday (05/18/21). According to the source, workers who are members of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) are planning to hold a demonstration in front of the United Nations (PBB) Jakarta Office and the United States Embassy in Jakarta. "As for the security at the US embassy itself, we have deployed 905 personnel, for those at the UN office there are 236 personnel," explained the Head of PR at Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police, Police Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus when contacted, Tuesday (05/18/21). Pol. Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus reminded the protesters to adhere to health protocols. Because, currently we are still in a Covid-19 pandemic situation. "Do not let them violate (health protocol) later, the law on quarantine and disease outbreaks will be imposed," said the Intermediate Officer of the Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police. Regarding the diversion of traffic flow, the Head of PR at Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police explained that it is still situational. That is, depending on the situation and conditions in the field. "The diversion of traffic flow remains situational, but we prepare (personnel) at road intersections as well," explained Pol. Grand Comissioner Yusri Yunus. Meanwhile, in a different place, the President of Indonesian Trade Union Confederation, Said Iqbal, said that this action was a form of solidarity for the Palestinian people in relation to the attacks performed by Israel. Said Iqbal said that the Indonesian workers strongly condemned the attacks committed by Israel. Moreover, this attack caused many casualties, including children, women and the elderly.
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