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Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police Performing Arrest Operation for Online Loan Office, 32 Employees Were Arrested

By Cpiet Jumat, 15 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (4) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police conducted a raid on a company suspected of being a collector of leprosy at Ruko Green Lake City Crown Block C1-7, West Jakarta. From the raid results, it was found that there were seven shophouses with four floors and 13 loan applications operating in that place. "Today, we carried out a raid at PT. ITN in this shophouse, of which there are seven shophouses with four floors and 13 online loan applications are operating in this place," explained the Head of Public Relations of Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police, Pol. Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus, Thursday (10/14/21). The Head of Public Relations of the Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police said that 32 employees were secured in the raid who were tasked with collecting online loans from borrowers. There are two billing methods carried out, namely in the form of direct billing and through social media. "There are 32 people who have been secured, then we will install a police line at this location, and we will investigate everything," explained the Head of Public Relations of Greater Jakarta Metro. Regional Police. Before raiding the illegal loan office, investigators from the Crime Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police first conducted a check at the Financial Services Authority (OJK) office.
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