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IKN Medical Team Anticipate Heatstroke Threats During Independence Day Ceremony

By Cpiet Jumat, 16 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (42) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The medical team of Nusantara Capital City (IKN) anticipates heatstroke threat potential during the ceremony of Indonesian Independence Day.

“Considering the weather is unstable, could be hot, could be cold, there are instructions given to us to beware with medical issues, one of which are heatstroke,” says the Medical Team Coordinator of Coordinating Ministry Post 1 Adam Kristy on Thursday (8/15/2024).

According to him, heatstroke is very possible as the ceremony will be held from morning to afternoon.

“As you can imagine, they will have to stand in the field for that long. That is what we have to prepare for,” says Adam. He says that his party was asked to ensure that the ceremony would go smoothly without any medical issues.

Other than the threat of heatstroke, IKN medical team also urged to anticipate the threat of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) due to construction dust.

According to him, it is normal for people to get infected with ARI in IKN as the city was still under construction, meaning dust is everywhere.

In his closing statement, he details that the medical team will be divided into five posts and one special post within the innermost ring of the Presidential Palace. Medicines and medical equipment have been prepared to overcome medical situations.


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