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Indonesia Boasts Its Navy Strength While Securing 43rd ASEAN Summit

By Cpiet Selasa, 05 September 2023 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
Other than discussing and building a more concrete plans for the better of the region, the 43rd ASEAN Summit, which take place from 5-7 September 2023, also boasts the strength of Indonesian Navy. The Commander of Indonesian Military Admiral Yudo Margono says that he has deployed Indonesian Warships (KRI), helicopters, and Sea Rider in Jakarta-Banten Bay which included in the Sea Security Task Force (Satgas) to safeguard the Summit More than 900 Navy personnel that comprised in satgas VVIP Sea Security of President, Vice President, and all Foreign Guests and Delegates are stand ready to safeguard the event. Reported by pmjnews, KRI that are deployed by the Indonesian Navy are KRI John Lie (JOL) -358, KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda (SIM) -367, KRI Barakuda (BKD) -814, KRI Kerambit (KRB) -627, KRI Wiratno (WIR) -379, dan KRI dr. Rajiman Widyodiningrat (RJW) -992, two Panther Helicopters, and two Sea Riders. Other than KRI, the Navy also deployed the ship that could handle medical emergency situation if ever arise. The KRI RJW -992 is said to be a medical ship that is equal to those of type B Hospital, equipped with adequate medical equipment. The task force also comprised with Search and Rescue elements, VVIP evacuation, medical evacuation, which are tasked to cover any threat possibilities coming from the sea.
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