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Serbia, Panama, Kuwait, Signed Treaty of Amity during AMM Side Event

By Cpiet Selasa, 05 September 2023 Pengunjung (13) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Serbia, Panama, and Kuwait became the 52nd, 53rd, and 54th state that access the Treaty of Amity (TAC) by signing the treaty during the side event of ASEAN Foreign Minister Meeting. The Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi in her speech expressed her gratitude and appreciation for the three countries. “For years, TAC has played an integral role as a collective norm and principle to push a good relationship, dialogue habit, and live alongside peacefully in the region,” she said. She adds that amidst the geopolitical dynamics that full of rivalry, it is important to enhance the norms that are included in the TAC. With how many states that joined TAC shows positive enthusiasm that continually grows. This must be taken advantage of to strengthen the stability in the world, she said. TAC has to continue to unite ASEAN and its partners in pushing concrete cooperation to overcome challenges as one unit. Such challenges include climate changes, food and energy sustainability, to proliferation of transnational crime. “Together, we could become a positive force for peace, stability, and prosperity in Indo-Pacific region. Only by implementing norms and principles included in TAC, we are sure that ASEAN would still play an integral role and become the center of economic growth,” says Retno. Saudi Arabia are the last previous state that signed the TAC back in July 2023 during the side event of ASEAN Foreign Miniters Meeting.
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