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Indonesia-India Collaborates in Digital Sector from AI Tech to Infrastructure Development

By Admin INP Kamis, 30 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (124) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The governments of Indonesia and India have established strategic cooperation in the digital sector in an effort to accelerate sustainable digital transformation and encourage innovation that benefits the wider community.

The partnership between the two countries in the digital sector was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Digital and the Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.

The Minister of Communication and Digital Meutya Hafid says the partnership as part of strategic steps which combines two Asian digital powers to create a relevant innovation that can provide a conrete impact for the general public.

"This collaboration is more than just a techological cooperation. This is part of joint effort in connecting humans, transcending geographic limitation, and pushed innovation that centers on public needs," says Meutya on Sunday (1/26/2025).

The signing of Memorandum of Understanding between Indonesia and India in digital sector was achieved, thanks to bilateral meeting between Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto and Indian PM Narendra Modi.

The cooperation agreement between the two countries includes the development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), the development of public digital infrastructure, and improving human resource skills in the field of information technology.

The two states has formed a Joint Working Group to monitor the joint work implementation while overcoming challenges and developing innovative solution in their collaboration.

The group will meet periodically to ensure that the cooperation is effective and on target.

The Minister of Communication and Digital stated that the partnership with India is part of Indonesia's efforts to strengthen its position as a major player in global digital transformation.

As a strategic partner, he said, India has demonstrated its commitment to sharing knowledge and experience in creating a solid and influential digital ecosystem.

"This partnership is the key to answering global challenges while opening up new opportunities for future generations," said the Minister of Communication and Digital.


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