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INP Chief Is Committed to Improve Indonesian Football Management: UK Professor

By Cpiet Jumat, 03 Februari 2023 Pengunjung (13) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Professor Mike C. Hardey, a football competition management instructor at Coventry University in England, has praised the efforts of the Indonesian National Police (INP) and Chief of the INP General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in improving the football management of the country. "The quick action of the police and other stakeholders demonstrates their commitment to addressing the issue of football in Indonesia," he said in a statement on Thursday (2/2/23)  At the closing of the training session at the INP Rupatama Building in Jakarta, he expressed gratitude for the police's commitment in creating a better football environment.  “First, how we communicate between stakeholders. Second, how we coordinate each other's responsibilities, and third how we collaborate to develop safe, comfortable, and enjoyable football infrastructure and environment,” Professor Hardey explained of three main areas of focus for football management. He said that the Chief of the INP has a very important goal for the future of football in Indonesia, namely channeling the talent of football athletes to compete both nationally and internationally. "I am very happy to represent my colleagues as part of this important effort to bring the talent of Indonesian football athletes to the world stage," he added. The Chief  of the INP had previously stated the police's commitment to improving the management of football competition in Indonesia is in line with President Joko Widodo's instructions.  (jo/hn/um)
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