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INP Holds Football Security Management Course

By Cpiet Rabu, 01 Februari 2023 Pengunjung (30) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) held a nine-day stadium security management course featuring a speaker from Coventry University in England to respond to the instruction of President Joko Widodo to Chief of the INP General Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo to improve and transform the management of Indonesian football to ensure better organization, security, and regulation of supporters and audiences following the fatal Kanjuruhan tragedy in East Java.  The speaker has involved in the security management of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. “We have completed nine days of a stadium management course for the purpose of enhancing football security. The police will continue to strive for better security standards, especially for major football competitions,” said the Chief at the INP Rupatama Building in South Jakarta on Wednesday (1/2/23). The course was one of INP efforts to fulfill the President’s instructions to improve Indonesian football management, he emphasized. “Hopefully, this effort will result in better football security management, including the audience, organizers, and players,” the general said. In the context of regulation, INP’s commitment to improving the management of Indonesian football has been reflected in the issuance of Police Regulations (Perpol) No. 10 of 2022 on the Security of Sports Competition Organization, which outlines, among other things, a certain formulation in determining the capacity of the audience. “It regulates how to use personnel and the analysis of risks, especially the stadium to support us assess the capacity of audience, entrances, exits, and the health preparedness for the events," he explained, pointing to the regulation that has set the capacity for the Asian Football Federation (AFF) Cup and League I matches.   “Given that Indonesia has many extraordinary talents and a very large audience, this course is very crucial. If the football management is improved, every party will be able to nurture competitive. Hopefully, we can achieve higher quality football competitions and bring honor to the country’s name at the international level,” he added. (af/hn/um)
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