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INP Public Relations Division Bolster Collaboration with Tirto Media

By Cpiet Selasa, 05 Maret 2024 Pengunjung (89) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) held an audience with Tirto media in boosting the cooperation in publicating INP activities. In the meeting between the two parties, the Head of INP Public Relations Division, Inspector General Sandi Nugroho directly welcomed the visit of Tirto’s Chief Editor, Rachmadin Ismail and entourage. Sandi states that the role of INP Public Relations Division is crucial in supporting the activities of 470,000 police personnel across Indonesia. Furthermore, INP is always involved in national and international agenda held by the government. “In a year, we could hold 31 police operations, such as ketupat operation that we held soon ahead Eid Al-Fitr,” said the INP PR Chief on Tuesday (3/5/2024). As the time goes, the INP Chief and his party continue to improve members skill and capabilities in PR through e-Learning Humas Presisi Polri so that they ready to face future challenges. This measure is also to carry out the Police Chief Regulation Number 6 of 2023 regarding Public Relations in Police Environment. “That is our effort in ensuring our personnel is at their best performance,” said the PR Chief. Furthermore, Sandi acknowledges that the current social media challenges is important to look at. He considers the necessity in working together with mass media to inform and educate the public to be wise in social media. On the other hand, Tirto’s Chief Editor states that his party is ready to support all police effort in educating the public and help them clarify misinformation or hoax. Their collaboration with the Communication and Informatics Ministry, also META, proved that they are verified and credible mass media. “I am aware that hoax and disinformation impacted the public significantly, and I am sure you also aware of it. Therefore, we are here to also educate and help clarify the misinformation before spread even further,” explained Rachmadin. The Deputy Head of Central Information Commission Arya Sandiyudha, who was also seen in the meeting, adds that the cooperation between the INP PR Division and mass media indeed will play crucial role in clarifying negative issues. “One of the issues is of Papua, which I believe the cooperation between the two parties would give significant positive impact on the matter,” said Arya. (ad/ay/pr/nm)
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