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Central Java Regional Police Recorded 4,088 Traffic Violations on the First Day of Candi 2024 Safety Operation

By Cpiet Selasa, 05 Maret 2024 Pengunjung (247) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Central Java. The Traffic Directorate of Central Java Regional Police announced there are 4,088 traffic violations recorded on the first day of 2024 Candi Traffic Safety Operation. The thousands of traffic violators were recorded through ETLE and manual ticketing. “Yes, on the first we are enforcing the traffic law in the field although not as much as our socialization effort,” said the Head of Security and Safety Sub-directorate, Police Superintendent Mariska Fendi Susanto on Tuesday (3/5/2024). The traffic law enforcement on the first day reached 4,088 with 477 from ETLE, 2,039 from mobile ETLE and 1,602 from manual ticketing. Among those numbers, 2,158 were only reprimanded by the traffic officials. Furthermore, the highest violators on the road is bikers with 3,630 units, followed by cars with 110 units, then trucks with 56 units, and buses with 25 units. The rest is other vehicles. The violations are dominated with people not wearing helmet while driving motorcycle with the violations recorded to 1,836. Then, followed by the use of loud exhaust with 599 violations, driving against the traffic with 371 violations, and underaged drivers with 115 violations. For most age groups who violated the traffic law are those who are aged between 16-25 with most of them occupying as students and employee. There are also 233 State Civil Apparatus who were violated the traffic law in provincial and regency road. “Our target operation includes 40% of preemptive effort, 40% of preventive effort, and 20% of ETLE effort,” said Mariska. Furthermore, he clarifies that he focuses his socialization during the traffic safety operation. There are at least 261 educational institutions in Central Java who have been disseminated with traffic safety messages during the first day of the operation. Other than that, police also conveyed the security messages to the public transport service provider, including 614 of both online and offline motorcycle taxi driver communities. Mariska have also stated that his party have installed 11,178 security message ads around the city, while they have posted 1,221 contents of traffic security messages in social media. (ad/mz/pr/nm)
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