– Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police have screened the age and health of all personnel involved in Operation Mantap Brata 2023-2024. It was reported that there are 434,197 personnel involved in 2024 General Elections security operations.
"We have prioritized 2024 General Elections security operations with maximum age of 50 for members involved," said Head Division of INP Public Relations, Inspector General Sandi Nugroho in his written statement on Friday (9/29/2023).
According to him, age limits and health factors becomes one of the main discussion from 2019 General Elections security operations evaluation. Thus, INP seeks to improve their security operations, both in work performance and personnel preparation.
"Back in 2019 General Elections, with long arduous process of simultaneous elections in all regions, there are many of our members who fell sick, even died. Through our evaluations from previous operations, this has come to our attention for our preparation in 2023-2024 Mantap Brata Operation, said Sandi.
Moreover, Sandi says that selection based on health and age of the personnel has been long emphasized by INP Chief Assistant in Human Resources. Therefore, INP set that members involved in 2024 General Elections security operations are those under 50 of age.
"INP Chief Assistant emphasize that it is better to choose younger officers as the main officers of 2024 Elections security operations. Obviously we pray that every mistakes that occured in last elections would not get repeated," conclude Sandi.