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Jambi Deputy Chief of Regional Police Reviewing the Implementation of Christmas Celebrations in Several Churches in Jambi City

By Cpiet Selasa, 28 Desember 2021 Pengunjung (7) 3 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Jambi. Jambi Deputy Chief of Police Brigadier General Pol. Yudawan Roswinarso accompanied the Jambi Governor Al Haris, Commander of Military Regional 042/Gapu Brigadier General M Zulkifli and the Jambi Province Leader Forum to directly observe the implementation of Christmas celebrations 2021 in several churches in Jambi City, Saturday (12/25/21). Several places of worship were reviewed, namely the Saint Theresia Catholic Church on Raden Mattaher Street Sungai Asam, Pasar Jambi District, Jambi City, Batak Protestant Church (HKBP) Kota Baru Church in Paal Lima, Kota Baru District, Jambi City, and the Catholic Church of Saint Gregorius Lingkar Barat 1 street, Get to know Asam Bawah, Kota Baru District, Jambi City. Led directly by the Governor of Jambi Al Haris accompanied by the Chairman of the Jambi Regional Representative, Edi Purwanto, Commander Military Regional 042/Gapu Brigadier General M. Zulkifli, Deputy Governor of Jambi Abdullah Sani, Secretary of Jambi Province Sudirman, and Deputy Chief of Jambi Regional Police, Brigadier General Yudawan Roswinarso, Head of Public Relations, Pol. Grand Commissioner Mulia Prianto and the Main Officer of the Jambi Regional Police. Jambi Governor Al Haris said that for the implementation of the 2021 Christmas mass at the church visited, it was pretty orderly, safe, smooth, and the enforcement of health protocols and security at the church was quite good. "Me, as the Governor of Jambi together with Regional leadership Communication Forum of Jambi Province, hope that the implementation of Christmas Mass today until the 2022 New Year and Post New Year celebrations will continue to be conducive, safe and smooth," he said. Meanwhile, the Deputy Chief of Jambi Regional Police, through the Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Regional Police, Pol. Grand Commissioner Mulia Prianto said that the police and the Military Resort Command Garuda Putih had carried out security and service during the 2021 Christmas celebrations. Two days before worship was held, we have sterilized places of worship for which Christmas and New Year celebrations will be held. "We are deploying the Gegana Mobile Brogade Team of the Jambi Regional Police and bomb disposal Police dogs (K9)," said Pol. Grand Commissioner Mulia Prianto. The Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Regional Police explained that the aim was to provide a sense of security to those of you who will carry out the Christmas Mass night service in 2021 and the New Year in 2022. "All the series of reviews of the implementation of Christmas by our entourage today, all went in an orderly, safe and smooth manner while still carrying out the covid-19 process," concluded the Jambi Regional Police Intermediate Officer.
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