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Kemenko PMK Reveals Mental Health Issues Impacts on State Economy

By Cpiet Rabu, 15 November 2023 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) states mental health disorders not only affect the sufferers, but also give a significant impact on state economy. This was stated by Deputy III for Health Quality Improvement Coordination and Population Development Head, Y.B Satya Sananugraha. “The World Health Organization states mental health disorder costs the country's economy an average of 1 trillion United States (US) dollars per year," says Satya on Wednesday (11/15/2023). He refers to the reports of WHO released on mid 2023 where it shows the states costs on treatment, care and rehabilitation for sufferers of mental health disorders. There are also funds for loss productivity due to workers or students unable to perform optimally because of their mental condition, and costs for criminal actions due to mental health problems such as violence and accidents. However, Satya did not reveal the detail of Indonesia spending in handling mental health issues. On the other hand, reports from Basic Health Research of Health Ministry shows that in 2018, Indonesia has suffered a loss up to IDR 20 trillion per year due to mental health issues. “Whatever it is, we have to admit that in overcoming mental health issues, government has to solidify their innovative and comprehensive policy,” says Satya. The policy that Satya suggests include a wider and stronger education on mental health in schools and public, the early establishment of mental health residency, and technology usage in optimizing health screening. Kemenko PMK conveys that technology usage is importance as Health Ministry aims to set mental health screening for 31 million people. (ad/ndt/pr/nm)
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