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KKB Action Rises, Papua Police Emphasizes Carrying Out Law Enforcement

By Cpiet Sabtu, 29 April 2023 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jayapura. The Papua Regional Police (Polda) will carry out law enforcement actions due to the increasing number of anarchic acts carried out by armed criminal groups (KKB).

"Law enforcement will indeed be enforced against groups that have disturbed security to the point of disturbing residents," said the Head of the Papua Regional Police, Inspector General. Pol. Mathius Faakhiri, in Jayapura, Friday (28/4/23).

Inspector General Pol. Mathius Fakhiri, said that before enforcing the law, his side together with the local regional government would ask the people living in the KKB area to temporarily go to the district capital.

However, if later there are residents who are reluctant to temporarily evacuate then it is certain that they are members or part of the KKB so that when law enforcement is carried out the parties cannot claim that it was a violation. Moreover, KKB members have also committed many human rights violations by killing and abusing civilians.

"The parties can no longer claim that human rights violations have occurred because the victims are KKB members or supporters," he explained, as reported by Antaranews, Friday (28/4/23).

Furthermore, Mathius Fakhiri said various security disturbances in several areas which were the tasks of the Papua Regional Police as a result of the KKB's actions had caused casualties not only for security forces but also civilians.

"Law enforcement must be carried out so that there are no more victims, and the security forces will act according to the SOP," he concluded.


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