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Manpower Minister Emphasized Productive Labors as Driving Force for Innovation

By Admin INP Sabtu, 01 Maret 2025 Pengunjung (83) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Manpower Yassierli said that a productive workforce is the main driving force of innovation and increased competitiveness.

"A skilled and productive workforce is the main driver of innovation, creator of competitiveness, and increased worker welfare," said the Minister of Manpower on Thursday (2/27/2025).

As a driver of productivity, Minister Yassierli assessed that workers, or laborers, must have the opportunity to continue to hone their skills.

"With high skills and productivity, the workforce can increase company productivity as one of the main factors driving economic growth," said the Minister of Manpower.

Furthermore, skilled and educated workers can be drivers of innovation in various economic sectors. Innovations generated by the workforce can also help improve company performance at a later stage.

In addition, the Minister of Manpower assessed that competent workers make companies more competitive both domestically and in the global market.

He continued, this competitiveness also helps the nation to compete at the world level and strengthens domestic economic growth.

On the other hand, the Minister of Manpower also advised trade unions or labor unions to make productivity, innovation, and competitiveness as issues in their movements, because these issues are the upstream side of economic growth that will have an impact on the downstream side, namely the welfare of workers or laborers.

"We must also convey to our fellow workers/laborers, do not be satisfied with the existing competencies, continue to develop competencies, we from the government facilitate," concluded the Minister of Manpower.


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