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Metro Jaya Regional Police Threatened Dishonorable Dismissal for Members Misusing Drugs

By Pramudita Senin, 11 November 2024 Pengunjung (96) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Karyoto stressed that every member proven to be using drugs will be sanctioned with Dishonorable Dismissal (PTDH). The sanction, he hopes, can make members aware with the consequences of misusing drugs.

“We will be stern as any members caught misusing drugs will be dismissed dishonorably. That is part of our effort in maintaining our internal integrity,” explains Karyoto at Metro Jaya Regional Police HQ.

According to him, the stern move is needed to prevent his members from committing the criminal action. He assessed that if the authorities are involved in misusing drugs, then they could be doing something more detrimental to the country than the criminals

“It could be even more dangerous if the authorities are involved in this crimes as they could backed the criminal actions,” said Karyoto.

Karyoto and the local figures, religious figures, and the military also invites the people to be more aware and understand that drugs are very dangerous, to their own self and the society in general.


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