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Mobile Brigade Provide Water Aid in Southeast Sulawesi

By Cpiet Senin, 09 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Kendari. In a response to the dire water shortage crisis affecting residents of Morame Village in South Konawe in Southeast Sulawesi, theMobile Brigade Unit A Pioneer Battalion of the Southeast  Sulawesi Regional Police has delivered essential clean water aid. The relief operation, spearheaded by the Commander of the Mobile Brigade Unit A Pioneer Battalion, Assistant Superintendent Ketut Arya Wijanarka, dispatched a specialized water cannon vehicle owned by the Mobile Brigade. This operation was conducted under the direct leadership of Second Inspector Mohammad Noor, who commands the operation unit of the battalion. "The distribution of clean water was executed using a single water cannon vehicle," Commander Arya was quoted by antaranews.com. He emphasized that the humanitarian effort reflected the commitment of the Mobile Brigade to the well-being of the affected residents, who are currently grappling with the consequences of an extended drought due to the El Nino phenomenon. Prior to this mission, the Mobile Brigade has conducted similar water distribution initiatives in response to the drought-related water scarcity in Konawe Regency and North Kolaka Regency. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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