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BNN Uncovers IDR 80 Billion Money Laundering by Inmate

By Cpiet Senin, 09 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (6) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Indonesia have uncovered money laundering case by Sindur Mount Prison in East Java with value up to IDR 80 billion. “The total assets value is up to IDR 80 billion from a suspect with the initials of SD, or known as HK or AB. The suspect is a drug crime inmate from Sindur Mount Prison,” says Indonesian BNN Chief, Commissioner General Petrus Reinhard Golose during a press conference at BNN Office. According to the investigation, SD has operate the money laundering since 2014. Other than SD, there are two other suspect with the initials of SF and SW. “SD reportedly received drug selling money from other suspects, with SF giving IDR 10,541,000,988, from MGM giving IDR 392,670,000, and SW giving IDR 25,431,900,” says Petrus. From the transactions, SD disguised his money laundering operations with various ways, one of which is by buying expensive assets, such as 10 houses in various areas, 10 apartment units in Tangerang with a total value of IDR 70,906,050. “Other moving assets include three units of cars, 11 handphones, 20 laptops, and 1 luxury watch. The total value of moving asset are IDR 953 million and the total asset that BNN confiscated are IDR 80,560,411,442,” explained Petrus. For his crime, the suspect charged with Articles 3, 4 and 5 Paragraph 1 of Law No. 8 of 2010 concerning the prevention and eradication of TPPU with the threat of a sentence of 20 years and a fine of IDR 10 billion. (ad/ndt/pr/nm)
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